Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Beginning

In my quest to get on that proverbial technology train, I figured the best way to start was by creating a blog.  I love the idea of a class website, so I figured this is the next best thing.

My true intention of this blog is to practice my writing skills since I will be teaching writing next year.  Although I have taught writing before, it has been a while.  I will admit that I feel a little intimidated having my "writing" viewed, read, and critiqued, but don't all writers feel that way to some degree?  If I am going to ask my students to practice, enjoy, and gain confidence in their writing, I need to do the same.

What's to come...

  • My Writer's Pensive: a notebook that will be used to teach and model writing. 
  • Creative writing projects: lessons I intend to teach throughout the year.
  • Reading CafĂ©:
  • Classroom transformation:
  • Useful technology tools I intend to use: