Thursday, June 27, 2013

We're Moving!

Well, for the third year in a row, I am moving classrooms.  This time I will be moving into a new building.  We are combining the 5th & 6th grade and now calling it "Middle School".  We are moving into the Fine Arts Building, so lot's of remodeling is underway.  Here are pictures of my room as it looks now:


Notice the paint colors on the wall?  I have no idea what colors they are going to choose.  I believe that three walls will be a gold, maybe like the color next to the whiteboard.  The wall with the two windows will be painted an accent color.  Will it be orange, green, or blue?  It is looking like orange since there are three shades of orange on that wall. 

Well, it took me a while (a few years), but I finally have pictures to share of the completed room.